February 11, 2007

Should we go around it?

That was the question of the day today on our first official training walk. Liz, Molly, Amber, Meredith and I walked a fabulous 5.2 miles around the Mall braving the cold and tourists. We knew the loop around the Mall would leave us in the 4 mile range, but no one had checked if that included going around the Lincoln or the Capitol. Solution? Go past the Lincoln, around the little fountain in front of the Korean War Memorial (complete with tourists staring and possibly pointing), and go around the Capitol (it's called Capitol Hill for a reason people.)

Along the way, we completed our civic duty for 2007 and placed a call to 311 to alert them to a trash can fire on the mall. After several minutes of back and forth as to the location of said trash can (Lucy: "It's in front of the Air and Space Museum on Independence" 311 lady: "Ma'am I need a location" Lucy: "umm I'm not sure how much closer I can get you") I decided I was done with trying to be a good citizen. Unless you count raising $1800 for breast cancer being a good citizen - OH SNAP!

In other exciting news, we convinced Meredith to join in Team Pink is the New Avon Walk! So we have now doubled our team members and Molly is getting close to her free hat! Speaking of Miss Jackson, I must thank her for the lovely shout out.

That's all for today...now go donate!


mollytics said...

We have our first "Oh Snap!"-- and I'm loving it.

Lilly said...

You go ladies! I am looking forward to doing this with all of you and making up to D.C. soon for a walk!

Amber said...

My favorite part was getting "lost" on the route by the Korean War Memorial. I love walking in circles and hope it added that extra .2 that put us well over 5 miles.