April 12, 2007

better late than never

Look Amber, I'm blogging!! I have been meaning to blog about our 16 mile walk last Sunday since...ok Sunday. So here we go....

When Amber told me the route, I was pretty much convinced we would be walking until Tuesday afternoon. But, alas, she was right on the money with the mileage.

We started our stroll along Rock Creek Parkway (which I'm vetoing from here on out) all the way to the Capital Crescent Trail. I suggested walking along the canal which was a great idea, until the trail ran out. But don't worry, the helpful construction folks posted a sign reading "use other side." Except the "other side" was across the canal. Oh snap! We climbed over the fence, walked dangerously close to lots of traffic, and ended up back on the trail. Good times.

Fast forward through 7 miles of the Capital Crescent trail. Other than seeing lots of springer spaniels, nothing much to report.

We stopped in Bethesda, where I was highly dismayed by their lack of passover options. Even the amazing bagel place was closed for Amber and Shalini's long awaited PB & J. Re-energized from our snacks, we made amazing time back to Connecticut Ave. Despite Amber's haiku to the L2 we did make it all the way back to Cleveland Park.

Stay tuned for info on our 27 miles of walking this weekend!

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